Thursday, April 30, 2009

i heart the mta

as much as i love the mta and as thrilled as i am to have unlimited metrocards soon raise in price to a whopping $103 a month, this has got to take the cake. thanks to the "beyond doomsday" budget problem -- i'm sorry, but how can you have a doomsday problem one week and go BEYOND doomsday the next? like what is that exactly? beyond DOOMSDAY?! this is starting to get very comic book people -- late night service might be wiped out altogether to help cut costs. to me that's not even a fathomable option, but to the lovely mta people, “one can’t say that anything is off the table.” deep breath.

a more likely option, however, is that they'll simply run fewer trains at night -- which is a pretty funny distinction in its own right, since that's basically the same thing as getting rid of service completely anyway. the f train barely comes once an hour after midnight as it is, so what exactly is a "service cut" but a euphenism for "you're going to be waiting on that platform for a really long fucking time." so you know, same as usual.


  1. I just don't understand how they're broke? I mean, these subways are usually crammed with people. We're paying a shit ton for shoddy service ... it bites.
